更新时间:2021-09-22 点击次数:1120次1、 电刷: 应根据移动用电设备使用情况每1—3个月检查一次。重点检查集电器电刷的磨损情况,若磨损量≥5mm时,必须更换。检查时若发现电刷松动或发生磨损偏斜时,应查明原因,及时处理。
1, brush: electric equipment should be based on the use of every 1 to 3 months to check the time. Focus on examination of the collector brush wear, if wear amount is greater than or equal to 5mm, must be replaced. If found loose or wear occurs when the oblique brush check, should identify the reasons, timely treatment.
2、 集电器:至少每季度检查一次。重点检查紧固件有无松动、移位及塑料件和活动件磨损情况,检查弹簧拉力(集电器电刷与导轨的接触压力应保持一定压力(见下表)。发现问题及时处理。
2, the collector: at least quarterly check once a. Focus on examination of the fastener looseness, displacement and plastic piece and a movable parts wear, check the spring tension (contact pressure collector brush and guide should maintain certain pressure (see table below). Found problems timely treatment.
3、 连接件:至少每年检查一次。重点检查紧固螺栓、焊缝及支撑件是否松动、锈蚀、移位等,发现问题,及时处理。
3, connector: at least once a year to check. Key check fastening bolts, welds and support is loose and corroded, shift, found the problem, timely treatment.
4、 日常检查:重点检查轨道的平直度有无明显偏差(大于20mm)、错位,绝缘保护件有无脱落、断裂、破损,不锈钢“v"型槽有无翘起;轨道上有无异物及导电粉尘等。必要时应检测其绝缘电阻是否符合要求(相间绝缘电阻应≥5MΩ)。
4, the daily check: focus on examination of rail straightness has no significant deviation (more than 20mm), dislocation, insulation protection parts are loose, broken or damaged, stainless steel "V" type groove is no tilt; orbit is free of foreign matter and conductive dust etc.. When necessary, to detect the insulation resistance is to meet the requirements (interphase insulation resistance should be greater than or equal to 5M.).